Categories of Entreprenuerial Trainings

The M.Sc. Gender and Development Students have visited the Entrepreneurs in Areka, Boditti and Sodo Town for various business adventures for their course work. The following points to be considered while undertaking if any business endeavors such Tailoring, Embroidery, Knitting etc

  • An entrepreneur is someone who organizes and operates a business, who invests in new technical innovations and is willing to take on greater than normal risks in order to see his or her vision become a reality.
  • Entrepreneurship courses will develop the analytical abilities and strategic competencies necessary for students who wish to become entrepreneurs or are already part of a growing business. Practical skills covered in many Entrepreneurship courses include identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, creating a business plan, securing financial backing and coordinating business growth.
  • Several Entrepreneurship courses are short programs, designed to help entrepreneurs grow their business. Other Entrepreneurship courses are targeted at current university students studying business or another related field. Available at accredited institutions all over the world, Entrepreneurship courses can lead to greater success in business, or to an exciting new career.
  • If you are interested in learning how to become an entrepreneur, to nourish a business idea in the making, or to help your business grow and flourish, then click below and read more about specific Entrepreneurship courses offered by universities globally.
Entrepreneurship Training Embroidery Knitting
Entrepreneurship Training Electrician